曾参与、主持国家自然科学基金、德国联邦政府大科学工程“PETRA III光源注入系统升级”(加速器物理负责人)、德国亥姆霍兹联合会基金“法兰克福中子源FRANZ”、欧盟“地平线2020”研究计划“未来环形对撞机概念设计”(机器保护专家组成员,系统设计负责人)、上海市科技发展基金“高功率电子束辐照装置”(项目负责人)等。
2016-2018获CERN Senior Research Fellow资助、曾入选上海市浦江人才计划、获金山工匠提名奖、上海市金山区创新创业人才团队扶持。中国物理学会(粒子加速器分会)终身会员,专业权威期刊Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A、Nuclear Science and Techniques、国际加速器大会论文集等审稿人。已发表学术论文40余篇,国家专利10余项,国际专著章节1篇。
(1). 先进同步辐射光源、X射线自由电子激光电子枪与直线加速器研发;
(2). 大型粒子对撞机加速器物理与机器保护设计;
(3). 高功率粒子束与物质相互作用模拟与实验;
(4). 电子辐照加工与质子、重离子治癌等加速器应用;
(5). 新加速原理等。
[1] Y. Nie, C. Fichera, L. Mettler, et al., Simulation of hydrodynamic tunneling induced by high-energy proton beam in copper by coupling computer codes, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 22 (2019) 014501. (Editors' Suggestion)
[2] FCC Collaboration, FCC Physics Opportunities - Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1, The European Physical Journal C, 79 (2019) 474.
[3] FCC Collaboration, FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider - Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 228 (2019) 261-623.
[4] Y. Nie, R. Schmidt, V. Chetvertkova, et al., Numerical simulations of energy deposition caused by 50 MeV - 50 TeV proton beams in copper and graphite targets, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, 20 (2017) 081001.
[5] Y. Nie, G. Xia, and T. Pacey, Simulations of an energy dechirper based on dielectric lined waveguides, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 909 (2018) 271-275.
[6] Y.C. Nie, R. Assmann, U. Dorda, et al., Potential applications of the dielectric wakefield accelerators in the SINBAD facility at DESY, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 829 (2016) 183-186.
[7] Yuancun Nie, Wakefields in THz cylindrical dielectric lined waveguides driven by femtosecond electron bunches, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 106 (2015) 140-144.
[8] Y.C. Nie, C. Liebig, M. Hüning, and M. Schmitz, Tuning of 2.998 GHz S-band hybrid buncher for injector upgrade of LINAC II at DESY, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 761 (2014) 69-78.
[9] Y.C. Nie, Y.R. Lu, S.L. Gao, et al., Theoretical and experimental studies on 104 MHz ladder IH-RFQ accelerator, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 737 (2014) 229-236.
[10] Nie Yuancun, Lu Yuanrong, U. Ratzinger, et al., Chopper model studies for bunch compressor of Frankfurt Neutron Source FRANZ, High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 23 (2011) 490-494. (in Chinese)
[11] NIE Yuan-Cun, LU Yuan-Rong, CHEN Jia-Er, et al., Theoretical Design of a 104 MHz Ladder Type IH-RFQ Accelerator, Chinese Physics Letters, 27 (2010) 112901.
[12] NIE Yuan-Cun, LU Yuan-Rong, CHEN Jia-Er, et al., Beam dynamics and RF design of trapezoidal IH-RFQ with low energy spread, Chinese Physics C, 33 Suppl.II (2009) 105-108.
[13] G. Xia, Y. Nie, O. Mete, et al., Plasma wakefield acceleration at CLARA facility in Daresbury Laboratory, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 829 (2016) 43-49.
[14] Yuancun Nie, Recent Hydrodynamic-Tunneling Studies, Coupling FLUKA and Autodyn, Workshop on coupling simulation of beam impact on accelerator components (Geneva, Switzerland), 2018. (invited talk)
[15] Y. Nie, Beam impact and machine protection challenges, FCC Week 2018 (Amsterdam, Netherland), 2018. (invited talk)
[16] Y. Nie, Overall machine protection, FCC Week 2018 (Amsterdam, Netherland), 2018. (invited talk)
[17] Y. Nie, Y. Tong, A. Bernhard, et al., Full characterization of the bunch-compressor dipoles for FLUTE, Proceedings of IPAC’21 (Brazil), 2021.
[18] Y.C. Nie, M. Hüning, C. Liebig, and M. Schmitz, Progress in the injector upgrade of the LINAC II at DESY, Proceedings of IPAC’15 (Richmond, USA), 2015.
[19] 聂元存等,一种低能散电子束辐照装置,ZL 2019 2 1343087.7
[20] 陆元荣,聂元存,陈佳洱等,高真空高功率射频耦合器,ZL 2011 2 0148351.9
[21] 陆元荣,聂元存,陈佳洱,低能散度梯形射频四极场加速器,ZL 2010 2 0655122.1